Christy Myers Photography

Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

Summer Music

Posted by christy123 on July 16, 2008

It is fun and sometimes quite amazing to see what happens when I play in Photoshop a bit by blending edit layers to achieve the ultimate result I am looking for.  I often don’t know when I start where I will end up.  It is the cumulative effect of layers, one over the other, that can result in such dramatic images as the one here.  This is fun!  I started with an image I took last week when I went with Gordon to listen to the Pigs Eye Dixieland Jass Band play at a festival in New Richmond, Wisconsin.  I loved the setting – a recreated farmstead and little prairie town.  The music was wonderful and the dancing just added to the whole atmosphere.  The image was nice, but it didn’t do justice to the feel of the event.  But after about a half hour of experimentation – voila!  I like the rim of white around the buildings.  What do you think?

We enjoyed a lot of summer music last week – the Dixieland concert in New Richmond,  Tchaikovsky at Orchestra Hall as part of the Sommerfest celebration and German Polkas at Como Park Pavilian.  These were all free concerts – my favorite kind.   You’ll have to wait until next year for the next free day of music at Sommerfest and I’ll let you know the next time the Pigs Eye Jazz Band has a concert.  Music in the Parks (St. Paul) continues through September 7th.  Here’s a link for the calendar:

Posted in Places to Visit, Travel | 2 Comments »

What I’ve Been Up To

Posted by christy123 on June 24, 2008

Hello Friends,

Since I’ve been woefully lacking in newsletters, mailings and other forms of correspondence to keep you up to date on what is happening at Christy Myers Photography, I’ve decided to start a BLOG! The format is a work in progress but expect to see lots of images (portraits, weddings, travels), some “how to” photography articles, and probably some links that seem interesting to me.  Please join me and let me know what you think.

So what have I been up to?  Here are a few images from the last year to give you an idea.

In the fall, Gordon and I took a drive along the Mississippi River to St. Louis to enjoy the fall colors.  This image was taken in the Cannon River Valley one cold morning.

An autumn morning along the Cannon River

We also took a wonderful drive out to the West Coast to visit family – camping along the way.  I was particularly taken with the simple beauty of the fields near the Missouri River north of Bismark where Gordon is taking a walk in the image below.

Above the Missouri

We spent two months in Mazatlan, Mexico where the sunsets are always beautiful.

Sunset in Mazatlan

And, ofcourse, I’ve had lots of fun photographing people.  Here I’ve played with some image effects.  I’ll tell you about them in another post.

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